Type S - Single mode M2 <1.3
Generating a very fine dot size <20 microns with high power stability and great depth of field. Ideal for applications requiring small feature sizes.
Type Z - M2 <1.6
Delivers higher peak power and pulse energy with only a minor increase in spot size with good depth of field.
Type L - Low mode M2 1.6 - 2.0
General marking applications giving slightly larger spots and more suitable characteristics to make the marks visible to the naked eye.
Type H - High Mode M2 2.5 - 3.5
Offering high pulse energies, peak powers and even larger spots, ideal for wide lines, police-filled applications and large area coverage.
Type M - Multimode (M2 4.0 - 6.0) *
Coming soon Highest pulse energies and longer pulse durations ideal for welding and cleaning.